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Spiders Den presents...

The Debut Novel by John Darnbrough

Click below to read Chapter 1 now:

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What's it About?

Theo Nelson has a safe and comfortable life. However, it is not what he wanted for himself. 
As he tries to understand his past, realise the present and find a future, he embarks upon a fraudulent plot to change his life, to ultimately fulfil his potential and unleash his suppressed ambitions. 
When Theo’s actions start to upset a plan higher than his, he and his close friends become vulnerable to external forces and the secrets that have been kept from them. 
At the same time Sal Deakin, a fraud investigator with a point to prove, is looking for a big case to solve. 
Will Theo reach his goals unscathed and without being discovered or is there something that runs deeper that will ultimately determine his destiny?

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